Whilst this web site is about the Davis family past and present the original catalyst was inheriting the family bible in the late 1960's with full details of William Henry Davis’ family. The important two pages are shown here and It seemed sensible to have him as a central figure or focus.
WHD was born in Abingdon in 1816 at the malthouse, East St Helens St which is now Fairlawn. He had 10 children by his first wife, Hannah, who died in 1868 and 6 by his second wife, Frances, who died in 1925. My Grandfather, Edward Thurston, was the fourth child of the second marriage. There was 40 years between the eldest and youngest of Wm. Henry’s children.
My search for WHD's ancestors took me to Abingdon and Radley. In addition many family relatives sent me current information; then I realised there were many questions I should have asked my grandfather.
I had traced the family back to about 1700 and I then did almost no research for about 35 years until computers made it possible to make a web site which resulted in new (to me) relatives getting in touch. There is also an explosion of information and records available on-line. Lastly and very importantly, Gabriel Davis, a boat builder of Abingdon, was being researched by John Foreman who kindly gave me much additional information and Nigel Hammond pointed me to the article about Louis Davis; Gabriel & Louis are brothers, nephews of WHD.
Here is the new web site which I can now up-date as more information becomes available to say nothing of information I have but not yet added. I shall be only too pleased to reproduce whole articles; perhaps there should be a news page.
Tony Davis
Email: davisa.tony@gmail.com